Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Chicken bone 1: tooth 0

Ouch. Last night was a night I would prefer to forget. That'll teach me not to chomp down on fried chicken ever again. As in *chomp*, then "Craaaacckkkk" then "Uh oh!". There goes half my tooth. Luckily Dental clinic managed to squeeze me in today for a filling, otherwise I'd look like some half toothed ogre with pronunciation of fish as "fwiisshh"...d classic broken tooth smile which causes everyone to stare at me....for the wrong reasons....anyway its all good nw, Ive got a full head of teeth, pity I cant say the same for brains though...oh's like dat..

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Another week has gone...

Funny how some people are..take me for example. I was blogging almost everyday for a while when I just started, then slowly it died off like a train running out of steam climbing to Genting..not that there's any train going up to Genting, but you all intellectual readers know what I mean..

But anyway since its the weekend, I might as well write something. Beats sitting at home and looking at the fishes swim inside a 4 by 6 know the goes left, you look left, fish goes right, you look if I spend my time in front of the aquarium looking at fish...although I believe it can be therapeutic but to me it seems like a waste of you gather from the above, I can be quite impatient.

Like yesterday. Now everyone knows the perils of taking on the Kiulap roundabout at your own risk. It should be called Kill-lap roundabout. Coming out from the Baiduri Bank exit to the roundabout access road, now there's a double line which means "do not cross over into the underpass, use the roundabout." Apparently to some people it means "Stop, and wait for traffic to clear then cross line into roundabout." Never mind that there's a long line of cars behind, or that you're blatantly breaking Road Traffic Rules. After all, you do not overtake when there's a double line which demarcates a blind corner coming up, do you? What makes this situation different? So I sounded the horn. Yes, I 'tooted' him. And you know what? He crossed over anyway, and then slowed down to glare at me from the next lane! Uhh...??? By all means, break the rules but please not at the expense of others. If one of the people reading this is the Honda Civic driver at that time, I welcome you to come over and I'll give you an earful about the Traffic about stoopid drivers... the time when I was on said roundabout in A.M. traffic, and this KSPS driver decides to stop in the 2nd lane, right in front of me, just because he/she didnt know where to go. By all means, drive slowly, crawl even, but please do not stop. You are asking for a rear-end remodelling, which in Brunei means a probable ear and body remodelling, and then wallet reducing experience. Not a nice experience I can tell you. Anyway lets all rejoice in the weekend and enjoy (not!) the new week. Ugh, Monday.