Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Kenangan Terindah...sampai masa untuk diketepikan bagi kejayaan...

I dont know why I feel so out of place today with myself...its the whole day that I was feeling out of kilter & it was only when This song "Kenangan Terindah" came up at 8.30pm that it all came in a rush to me...everything that has happened...its time for me to finally sort out my life, my fears and my direction for the future...moving on is one thing, but has anyone have any idea just how difficult it can be? Im trying, God knows Im trying but hey cut me some slack here, throw me a bone, give me some moral support or something..Im doing this alone here...friends can only get you so far & dear cuz thanks a lot for your advice & moral support however its the final 10% which is the hardest & ultimately the only person who can hurdle it is myself...

Of particular note is how a certain someone's encouragement, not by means of direct moral support, but by a roundabout way of accepting me for who I am, unpieced together as yet I may be, has helped me a lot in this matter..uncanningly giving me an outlet by allowing me to direct my frustration with myself in another way, as well as getting my mind off issues, has kept me sane and off the brink of have an eerily accurate method of analysing me and pointing out to me each & everything...

Anyway for the moment I think Ive got issues to work on still..I guess its just me that when Im in transition Im not in the mood to meet anyone until I deem myself acceptable to myself before I meet all my true friends out there who have not heard from me since Feb 14th...Im stil alive but bear with me, I think it will be some time yet....

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